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Function of the Skin
Function of the Skin
Understanding the functions of the skin is very important for understanding why the skin responds the way it does.
The skin is the largest System of the body, and is also part of every other system. The skin is the only system that is in full contact with the external environment and the internal environment.
The skin is our first line of defense against external pathogens, so a healthy, intact skin is very important for protection. The skin has 19,500 sensory cells at the end of nerve fibers per square inch to sense the external environment.
The skin is important for heat regulation, you'll shiver when you're cold and sweat to release heat.
The skin excretes toxins from the body all day and night long. If you sit in a sauna and sweat, you are detoxifying your body through your skin.
The skin secretes oil in order to create an acid mantle for protection. If you come in contact with chemicals, your skin will secrete more oil for protection. The slightly acid nature protects from pathogens.
The skin absorbs nutrients. Many drugs and nutrient products are now being produced for trans-dermal delivery. Your skin can identify nutrients that your body needs and absorbs these nutrients into the body. The skin also identifies and protects the body from toxins and pathogens, not allowing them in.
Without the skin, you would not survive. If a person were to lose 70% of their skin, we know the prognosis would not be good. We cannot receive skin from another person.
The skin breathes. If you were to occlude the entire skin, like in the James Bond movie, that person would die of axphixciation.
We communicate through our skin. When you meet someone and sense something about them, many times it's the skin receiving information through it's sensory nerves and delivering it to the brain for processing. When you sense danger, your brain has processed the information from the skin.
The skin helps you to express yourself by moving with the muscles of the face to show emotion.
The skin is a reflection of your internal environment. Lines, wrinkles, skin discolorations, acne, etc., are all outward signs of internal imbalances. Stydying the reflection, or Reflection-Ology, will help you to understand all the many signals the skin is giving you.
The skin is not just a sheathing that covers your body and displays your age. The skin holds a wealth of information about diet, lifestyle, emotional well being and how we have weathered through time. Reflection-Ology is the study of this outward display of our life's experiences and how we are affected by them.